Why this experience works

You can use our strength to build on your strength.  The combination of experience in both writing and healthcare allows us to function as an extension of your team. We will leverage the specific knowledge of each team member to write the document that reflects the expert thoughts of your own professional team.

We work as an extension of your team

We have:

  • Comprehensive clinical insight
  • Over 25 years of management / business experience specifically in healthcare
  • A deep understanding of the Canadian public sector and healthcare system
  • A clear understanding of hospitals - how and when decisions are made and by whom
  • A passion for writing and a talent for using language to achieve desired outcomes

We use a process that succeeds

Our process typically includes:

  1. An initial interview to clarify the essential characteristics of the project
  2. A brief project outline to confirm mutual understanding (includes timelines, budget and proposed document design). The project outline includes the time for background research as well as actual writing time.
  3. Communication as agreed upon and PRN throughout the Project
  4. Submission of a draft document for review
  5. Final submission and brief evaluation of process/project

Don’t Fall Victim to the “95% Completed Project”

A well-recognized risk of failed or weak projects is that they remain 95% complete. Competing priorities start to erode the time needed to finish that last 5%. As a result it stays on your desk or in your drawer. It remains on department meeting agendas and what should have been a huge victory for your team starts to decline. A strong project with a weak ending is not good enough!

We will complete the document on time and on budget using a well-established process that works.

  • If you have an established project with an immediate need for our services we look forward to working with you.
  • If you are scoping out a new project, include our services in your initial project proposal.  We can work on a cost and a timeline that is built in to the project.

There are many generic writers who can do an adequate job
If you have a health or healthcare related project that deserves an insightful and expertly written document don’t settle for adequate!